Document #: 38-08052 Rev. *G Page 8 of 15
21 A4 RXValid Output Receive Data Valid This signal indicates that the DataOut bus has valid
data. The Receive Data Holding Register is full and ready to be unloaded.
The SIE is expected to latch the DataOut bus on the clock edge.
22 B7 RXActive Output Receive Active This signal indicates that the receive state machine has
detected SYNC and is active.
RXActive is negated after a bit stuff error or an EOP is detected.
23 A6 RXError Output Receive Error
0 Indicates no error.
1 Indicates that a receive error has been detected.
56 A7 ValidH I/O ValidH This signal indicates that the high-order eight bits of a 16-bit data
word presented on the Data bus are valid. When DataBus16_8 = 1 and
TXValid = 0, ValidH is an output, indicating that the high-order receive
data byte on the Data bus is valid. When DataBus16_8 = 1 and TXValid
= 1, ValidH is an input and indicates that the high-order transmit data byte,
presented on the Data bus by the transceiver, is valid. When
DataBus16_8 = 0, ValidH is undefined. The status of the receive
low-order data byte is determined by RXValid and are present on D0–D7.
51 A2 DataBus16_8 Input Data Bus 16_8 This signal selects between 8- and 16-bit data transfers.
1–16-bit data path operation enabled. CLK = 30 MHz.
0–8-bit data path operation enabled. When Uni_Bidi = 0, D[8:15] are un-
defined. When Uni_Bidi =1, D[0:7] are valid on TxValid and D[8:15] are
valid on RxValid. CLK = 60 MHz
Note: DataBus16_8 is static after Power-on Reset (POR) and is only
sampled at the end of Reset.
6 H3 XTALIN Input N/A Crystal Input Connect this signal to a 24 MHz parallel-resonant, funda-
mental mode crystal and 30 pF capacitor to GND.
It is also correct to drive XTALIN with an external 24 MHz square wave
derived from another clock source.
5 H2 XTALOUT Output N/A Crystal Output Connect this signal to a 24 MHz parallel-resonant, funda-
mental mode crystal and 30 pF (nominal) capacitor to GND. If an external
clock is used to drive XTALIN, leave this pin open.
52 A3 Uni_Bidi Input Driving this pin HIGH enables the unidirectional mode when the 8-bit
interface is selected. Uni_Bidi is static after power-on reset (POR).
55 C6 V
Power V
. Connect to 3.3V power source.
17 C7 V
Power N/A V
. Connect to 3.3V power source.
28 D7 V
Power N/A V
. Connect to 3.3V power source.
32 E7 V
Power N/A V
. Connect to 3.3V power source.
45 E8 V
Power N/A V
. Connect to 3.3V power source.
53 C4 GND Ground N/A Ground.
16 C5 GND Ground N/A Ground.
20 C3 GND Ground N/A Ground.
30 D1 GND Ground N/A Ground.
42 D2 GND Ground N/A Ground.
47 G6 Reserved INPUT Connect pin to Ground.
40 F7 Reserved INPUT Connect pin to Ground.
35 F2 Reserved INPUT Connect pin to Ground.
25 C8 Reserved INPUT Connect pin to Ground.
Table 1. Pin Descriptions (continued)
QFN VFBGA Name Type Default Description
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