Setting Up Your iSCSI Storage Array 47
Step 5: Configure CHAP Authentication on the Storage Array
If you are configuring CHAP authentication of any kind (either target-only or target and mutual), you
must complete this step and Step 6: Configure CHAP Authentication on the Host Server (optional).
If you are not configuring any type of CHAP, skip these steps and go to Step 7: Connect to the Target
Storage Array from the Host Server.
NOTE: If you choose to configure mutual CHAP authentication, you must first configure target CHAP.
Remember, in terms of iSCSI configuration, the term target always refers to the storage array.
Configuring Target CHAP Authentication on the Storage Array
From MD Storage Manager, click the
tab, then
Change Target Authentication
Make a selection based on the following:
To configure a CHAP secret, select
and select
CHAP Secret
Enter the
Target CHAP secret (
Generate Random Secret)
, confirm it in
Confirm Target CHAP
and click
Although the storage array allows sizes from 12 to 57 characters, many initiators only support CHAP
secret sizes up to 16 characters (128-bit).
NOTE: Once entered, a CHAP secret is not retrievable. Make sure you record the secret in an accessible
place. If Generate Random Secret is used, copy and past the secret into a text file for future reference since
the same CHAP secret will be used to authenticate any new host servers you may add to the storage array. If
you forget this CHAP secret, you must disconnect all existing hosts attached to the storage array and repeat
the steps in this chapter to re-add them.
Table 4-7. CHAP Settings
Selection Description
None This is the default selection. If None is the only selection, the storage array will
allow an iSCSI initiator to log on without supplying any type of CHAP
None and
The storage array will allow an iSCSI initiator to log on with or without CHAP
CHAP If CHAP is selected and None is deselected, the storage array will require CHAP
authentication before allowing access.