120 Using the System Setup Program
Command Line Interfaces for System Setup
The options in the System Setup menu allows you to control the System
Configuration Utility (syscfg). This utility is included in the Dell
OpenManage Deployment Toolkit (DTK).
See the Deployment Toolkit Version 1.3 User's Guide for additional
information about installing and using the DTK utilities, and the
Deployment Toolkit Version 1.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
for a complete list of all valid options, suboptions, and arguments for using
the BMCCFG.EXE to configure and manage your BMC.
You can use the system configuration utility for the following conditions:
• To change the System Setup option by D4 token:
./syscfg –t=D4_token_id
(Example: ./syscfg -t=0x002D to enable NIC1 Option ROM)
• To check token activity status:
./syscfg --istokenactive=D4_token_id
(Example: ./syscfg --istokenactive=0x002D to check the token active
status of NIC1 Option ROM)
• To directly change the System Setup option through BMC memory:
./ipmitool raw <command> <data>
(Example: ./ipmitool raw 0xc 1 1 3 10 106 42 120 to set IP address of BMC
management port as
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description
002D Embedded NIC1 Enables the onboard NIC1 controller (full-function),
including its PXE boot-ROM.
002E Embedded NIC1 Disables the onboard NIC1 controller.
0051 N/A For the next system boot, set the IPL priority to: USB
storage, hard disk, CD/DVD-ROM, RAID, Network (if
the devices are available).