Using the System Setup Program 139
Sets BMC LAN to get LAN IP from DHCP mode.
48A6 IPv6 Mode Disables IPv6 internet protocol support.
48A7 IPv6 Mode Enables IPv6 internet protocol support.
48A8 IPv6 AutoConfig Disables IPv6 auto configuration.
48A9 IPv6 AutoConfig Enables IPv6 auto configuration.
48AA Serial Port Mode Sets the console redirection baud rate to 3,8400 bits
per second.
48AB Flow Control Selects none as the flow control for console
48AC Flow Control Selects hardware as the flow control for console
48AD Flow Control Selects software as the flow control for console
48AE Terminal Type The BIOS console redirection, if enabled, operates in
VTUTF8 emulation model. See also tokens BFh, C0h,
and D7h.
48AF VT-UTF8 Combo
Key Support
Disables VT-UTF8 Combination Key Support for
ANSI/VT100 terminals.
48B0 VT-UTF8 Combo
Key Support
Enables VT-UTF8 Combination Key Support for
ANSI/VT100 terminals.
48B1 Event logging Disables BIOS to log system events to BMC, errors
include ECC/PCI/PCIe/HT…etc.
48B2 Event logging Enables BIOS to log system events to BMC, errors
include ECC/PCI/PCIe/HT…etc.
48B3 NMI on Error Disables BIOS to generate NMI when PCIe
uncorrectable errors occur.
48B4 NMI on Error Enables BIOS to generate NMI when PCIe
uncorrectable errors occur.
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description