Dell C8000 Power Supply User Manual

Updating Firmware Images and Monitoring the PDU Power Status 281
Checking PDU Indicators
The PMC power/status and identification indicators lights to indicate an
error condition.
Power/status indicator blinks amber (about 1 Hz) to indicate an error
Identification indicator blinks blue (about 1 Hz).
Resetting the PDU Network Connection
By default, the PMC is configured to automatically obtain an IP address via
DHCP server.
Do three short presses of the reset button within 5 seconds to change the
DHCP IP address on the PMC over to a static IP address.
After the PMC resets, all network and configuration settings restore back
to their default values. The PMC is configured with the following default
network settings:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
The power/status indicator on the front of the PMC board displays the
following behaviors:
Blinking amber (500 ms off/5 s on) — Restarts the PMC firmware and
reset to factory default is completed.
Blinking amber (250 ms off/5 s on) — Restores the default network
settings to their default values.
Do three short presses of the reset button within 5 seconds again to switch
static IP back to reset to default (DHCP).