VLAN Commands 797
Parameter Description
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (gigabitethernet, port-channel, tengigabitethernet)
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
Parameter Description
vlan–list Set the list of allowed VLANs that can receive and send traffic
on this interface in tagged format when in trunking mode. The
default is all. The vlan–list format is as follows:
The vlan-list format is all | [add | remove | except] vlan–atom
[,vlan–atom...] where:
all specifies all VLANs from 1 to 4093. This keyword is not
allowed on commands that do not permit all VLANs in the list
to be set at the same time.
add adds the defined list of VLANs to those currently set
instead of replacing the list.
remove removes the defined list of VLANs from those currently
set instead of replacing the list. Valid IDs are from 1 to 4093;
extended-range VLAN IDs of the form X-Y or X,Y,Z are valid in
this command.
except lists the VLANs that should be calculated by inverting
the defined list of VLANs. (VLANs are added except the ones
vlan-atom is either a single VLAN number from 1 to 4093 or a
continuous range of VLANs described by two VLAN numbers,
the lesser one first, separated by a hyphen.
valid–id A valid VLAN id from 1–4093.
2CSPC4.XCT-SWUM2XX1.book Page 797 Monday, October 3, 2011 11:05 AM