
6-2 Configuring Ports for Terminals: Web Interface
Configuring Ports for Terminals: Web Interface
Use this procedure to configure a port from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the PortServer TS 8/16 IP address in a browser’s URL win-
2. Log in to the PortServer TS 8/16 as root.
The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Ports.
4. To configure a port, do the following:
a. Choose the port from the port column.
b. Ensure that the Device type is set to Terminal.
c. Make changes to the configuration as required. Use the online help for information.
d. If you want to apply this configuration to multiple ports, choose Clone, select the ports for
this configuration, and then choose Continue.
e. Choose Submit.
5. To return to the main Ports menu, choose Ports from the Menu again.
Configuring Ports for Terminals: Command Line
This section describes how to configure PortServer TS 8/16 ports for terminal connections.
Port Defaults
Here is the default configuration for PortServer TS 8/16 ports:
VT-100 emulation
9600 baud
8-bit characters
1 stop bit
No parity
Software flow control
Related Information
For information on the set line, set ports, and set flow commands, see the Digi One/PortServer
TS Command Reference.
For information on configuring terminal ports for autoconnections, see, "Configuring Autocon-
nection" on page 7-1.
This procedure assumes the following:
That you are logged in as root
That you know the attributes, such as baud rate and parity, of the terminal that will be connected
to this port
1. Supply a set ports command that specifies the following:
set ports range=range dev=term sess=num-of-sess
where range is a port or range of ports and num-of-sess is the number of simultaneous sessions
the port user can maintain
2. Supply a set line command that specifies the following:
set line range=range baud=bps csize=characters parity=parity
range is a port or range of ports