
Configuring Autoconnection
Configuring a User for Autoconnection: Web Interface
1. Access the web interface by entering the PortServer TS 8/16 IP address in a browser’s URL win-
2. Log in to the PortServer TS 8/16 as root.
The default password is dbps.
3. Select Configure and then Users from the menu.
4. To add an autoconnect user, do the following:
a. Choose Add User.
b. Enter a name and then choose Submit
c. Choose the new user from the Name column.
d. Configure the user. Be sure to specify the following: (1) Default Access: Autoconnect (2)
Enable Autoconnect (3) The IP address that will be the destination for the autoconnect user
(4) A Destination TCP port number, which determines the type of connection for this user
(such as 23 for Telnet).
e. Choose Submit.
5. To return to the main User menu, choose User from the Menu again.
Configuring a User for Autoconnection: Command Line
This section describes how to configure a user for autoconnection.
This procedure deals with autoconnection features only. It assumes that you have or will configure
The port for modem connections (see Chapter 5) or terminal connections (see Chapter 6)
Other user attributes (see the set user command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Refer-
To configure a user to automatically connect to a host, supply a set user command that specifies the
set user name= user-name ports=ports autoconnect=on autohost=ip-address
autoport=tcp-port defaultaccess=autoconnect
user-name is the name of the user
ports is the ports this user can use
ip-address is the IP address of the host to which the user will be connected
tcp-port is the TCP port to use for connections
In this example, a user is configured for autoconnection using telnet to the host specified. Because
the password field is not specified, the default (password=on) requires that the user supply a
password before the connection is made.
set user name=user4 autoconnect=on autohost= autoport=2 3