6.2 Functions (USB335 Software)
The USB335 software operates with the Camera connected to the computer
using a USB cable. Stored or live images can be viewed on the computer monitor
while the live image from the camera is simultaneously projected. This is possible
by connecting the camera VGA or DVI output to the projector.
The “USB335” software permits the annotation, capture, and storage of a set of
images in project form. This project can be stored and later recalled for viewing or
editing. The editing can modify the images or add new images to the project file.
The entire project file can be converted (imported) to a set of PowerPoint slides by
using the “Export to PPT” command.
At any time all the images stored in the camera memory can be copied to the
“Preview Window” and will be shown as thumbnails. This operation uses the
“Import From Device” command on the “File” menu. Any image can be selected for
annotation and the image order changed for future showing. The camera retains
the original images in its memory.
The functions for the various operations are described in the following sections.
To use the display or editing functions images and projects can be recalled from the
computer memory without the camera being turned on.
The Main Window permits the annotation of the image by using the “Paint Tool”.
The image can be Frozen, Captured in a JPG file, and also enlarged to full screen
size. If it is live from the camera them any camera modification, such as “Flip” will
appear. If the image is from a file, then the image can only be changed by
The lower “Preview Window” show thumbnails of images stored in the Project
file. A tool bar above the lower Preview Window permits the insertion of added
images from the file, change of the image order, saving the image as a JPG in the
project folder, and removal of the image from the Preview Window.