Configuration for PPPoE service
Follow this procedure ONLY if your ISP specifies the service as PPPoE. Caution
- do not set your router to PPPoE mode if your ADSL service is PPPoA. It will not
connect. Reset to factory default will restore router to PPPoA mode.
From the Quick Start menu click on Quick Setup to configure for PPPoE.
1. Untick the Auto Scan Internet Connection box. VPI and VCI shall be set to 8
and 35 respectively. Click Next for the next page.
2. Select PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE). Encapsulation shall be LLC/SNAP as
illustrated below. Go to the next page, change nothing and then Next.
3. You can enter your Internet account User Name & Password now. If you leave
the space as blank, you will be asked to do it later. Go Next.
4. Do not change the network configuration unless you are an advanced user
having your own preferences. Go Next.
5. A summary of the configuration is displayed. Check carefully that the setting
is VPI/VCI = 8/35, Connection Type is PPPoE LLC/SNAP. Then click Finish to
confirm the changes. The router will restart itself automatically to activate
the new setting.
6. Now follow Step 2 of Section 5 – Getting On-line. The screen will show the
changes made: pppoe_8_35 has replaced the default pppoa_8_35.
ADSL Router Quick Set-up Guide