2-1 Operation 381333-395
Configuration of Shipped ATS
The MV ATS is shipped with the circuit breakers and controls in
the following state:
ON CB SECTION(S) - Circuit Breakers, check these items
▪ Normal source circuit breaker (CBN)
in the OPEN position with the closing spring discharged.
▪ Emergency source circuit breaker (CBE)
in the OPEN position with the closing spring discharged.
▪ Normal source circuit breaker control switch (53CBN)
in the TRIP position (green target displayed on control switch)
▪ Emergency source circuit breaker control switch (53CBE)
in the TRIP position (green target displayed on control switch)
ON CONTROL SECTION – Controls, check this item
▪ Transfer Switch Auto-Man selector switch (53AM)
in the MAN (manual) position.
Energizing the Normal Source, Setting Automatic Operation Mode
After the MV ATS is installed, the Normal source can be energized. Then the controls can be set for automatic
(standby) operation. The Normal and Emergency sources must be available. Follow this procedure:
ON CONTROL SECTION – Controls, check these items
▪ The transfer control indicator lights Normal Source Accepted and TS Locked Out should be on.
▪ The controller display should show that the transfer switch is Locked Out.
ON CB SECTION(S) - Circuit Breakers, check these items
▪ Normal source circuit breaker control switch should indicate that the circuit breaker is OPEN (green light).
▪ Emergency source circuit breaker control switch should indicate that the circuit breaker is OPEN (green light).
Energizing procedure
1. On Control Section, turn the Transfer Switch Auto-Man selector switch to the AUTO (automatic) position.
2. On CB Section, turn the Normal source circuit breaker control switch to CLOSE position (red target window).
3. On CB Section, turn the Emergency source circuit breaker control switch to the CLOSE position (red target).
4. On Control Section, press the transfer controls Alarm Reset button. Normal source circuit breaker should close.
The Normal source CB control switch should indicate that the circuit breaker is CLOSED (red light).
The ATS is now in an automatic (standby) operating mode. Proceed to transfer test.
Emergency source
circuit breaker
control switch
Normal source
circuit breaker
control switch
Transfer Switch
control switch
Figure 2-1. Location of control switches
Figure 2-2. Control switches
Breaker control
target indicator
Circuit breaker
position lights
green=CB open
red=CB closed
Be sure to close both enclosure doors
before proceeding to prevent personal
injury in case of electrical system fault.