Emerson NGA 2000 Computer Accessories User Manual

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90003752(1) [AK-Commands] 10/98
ASTZ – Read command "Status"
To this read command the FU will send to the TBCC the following data for the called
channel (FU):
The device status at that moment
Running procedures.
The status will be described by the code used for the activation of the function. The
operation modes "REMOTE" or "MANUAL" will also be sent. These modes will always be
the first codes in the data string. To the read of channel 0 the statuses of all channels (FU)
defined with "EKFG" will be sent. If a defined FU will be defect or not available and it
cannot send its status, the statuses of these channels (FU) will be replaced by "#",
analogous to the values like described for "AKON".
Read command
Read of channel n