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90003752(1) [AK-Commands] 10/98
AKAL – Read command "Stored calibration corrections"
To this read command the analyzers in a system or the single analyzer will send to the
TBCC the following data for the called channel (device):
∗ The corrections in ppm determined and stored during the last calibration. These
corrections are also necessary to calculate the analyzer values (deviations from the
linearized curve).
∗ The sum of deviations (total correction) to the calibration before the last linearization
check for the last range calibrated with zero and spangas.
Read command
AKAL K0 [Mx]
AKAL Kn [Mx]
Range number (optional); x = 1, 2, 3, 4
Output of all ranges,
if no range is named.
Read of channel n