Emerson NGA 2000 Computer Accessories User Manual

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90003752(1) [AK-Commands] 10/98
AKAL – Read command "Stored calibration corrections"
To this read command the analyzers in a system or the single analyzer will send to the
TBCC the following data for the called channel (device):
The corrections in ppm determined and stored during the last calibration. These
corrections are also necessary to calculate the analyzer values (deviations from the
linearized curve).
The sum of deviations (total correction) to the calibration before the last linearization
check for the last range calibrated with zero and spangas.
Read command
AKAL K0 [Mx]
AKAL Kn [Mx]
Range number (optional); x = 1, 2, 3, 4
Output of all ranges,
if no range is named.
Read of channel n