Epson 1940W Projector User Manual

5. Fine-tune the image shape as necessary using the arrow buttons on the control panel.
6. When you are finished, press Esc.
Now, if necessary, you can correct the image corners individually using Quick Corner by pressing the
arrow buttons on the control panel.
Parent topic: Image Shape
Related tasks
Correcting Image Shape with Quick Corner
Correcting Image Shape with the Horizontal Keystone Slider
You can use the projector's horizontal keystone slider (PowerLite 1930/1940W/1950/1960) to correct the
shape of an image that is unevenly rectangular horizontally, such as when the projector is placed to the
side of the projection area.
1. Turn on the projector and display an image.
Note: You can display a pattern to aid in adjusting the projected image using the Settings menu.
2. Adjust the slider until the image is evenly rectangular.
After correction, your image is slightly smaller.
Parent topic: Image Shape