Force10 Networks 100-00055-01 Network Card User Manual

P-Series Installation and Operation Guide, version 13
Warning: Stop all traffic from flowing through the appliance, and disconnect all cables from the XFPs
before proceeding.
Step Task Command
1 Save earlier configuration files and firmware by
copying the directory /usr/local/pnic to the home
cp -Rf /usr/local/pnic/ /home
2 Create a new sub-directory in the home directory for
the upgrade package.
mkdir ~/upgrade_directory
3 From the root directory, secure copy the file filename
from a server to the upgrade directory you created.
Note: In Unix, the tilde symbolizes the home directory,
and can be used in place of the absolute path to the
home directory. The upgrade file is a Unix tarball, the
file extension of which is .tar.gz.
scp username@server:absolute_path/
filename ~/upgrade_directory
4 Change directory to upgrade directory you created. cd upgrade_directory
5 Untar the file PTPS-P_MAIN. tar xvzf PTPS-P_MAIN
6 Change directory to SW. cd SW
7 Enter the command gmake erase followed by
gmake erase
8 Enter the command gmake install. gmake install
9 Verify that the new software version is installed. pnic cardstatus
Warning: The remainder of this procedure is for upgrading the boot firmware. The boot firmware
upgrade process takes up to 30 minutes and must not be interrupted
. If the process is interrupted, the
boot firmware must be reloaded via JTAG, which requires an RMA.
10 Enter the command pnic loadeproms to upgrade the
boot firmware. Answer “yes” to the confirmation
Note: This process takes up to 30 minutes.
pnic loadeproms
11 Reboot the appliance.
Note: Reboot the appliance only after pnic
loadeproms has successfully finished.
shutdown -r now
12 Log into the appliance and enter the command pnic
cardstatus. Verify that there is an output for this
command. This indicates that the upgrade process has
been completed successfully.
Note: See Appendix A , on page 79 for an example
output for this command.
pnic cardstatus