Franklin BDS-6100 Electronic Accessory User Manual

10.2 Product Care
Your device is designed to be light, compact, and durable. However, it is
an electronic device and must be treated carefully. Putting unnecessary
pressure on it or striking the device against other objects can cause
In order to avoid damage to your device, please:
• Keepthelidclosedwhenyouarenotusingit.Thiswillprotectthe
screen from being broken, scratched or marred in any way.
• Donotdrop,crush,bend,orapplyexcessiveforcetothedevice.
• Donotexposeyourdevicetomoisture,extremeorprolongedheat,
cold, humidity, or other adverse conditions. Avoid storing it in damp,
humid, or wet places. The device is not waterproof.
• Cleanthedevicebysprayingamildglasscleanerontoaclothand
wiping its surface. Do not spray liquids directly on your device.
• Shouldthedevice’sdisplayglassbreak,properlydisposeofthe
product avoiding contact with your skin, and then wash your hands
• Pleasekeepscreenprotectorsandplasticbagsawayfrombabiesand
children to avoid danger of suocation.