1.1 Outline
The PICTROGRAPHY 3500/40002/4500 is capable of delivering
ultrahigh, image-quality prints having a near-photograph appearance
coupled with rich expressive power. Resolution is a high 400 dpi
(max.) and 16,700,000 colors are available, all implemented by a
laser-exposed thermal development transfer system (the silver
halide photographic system). As the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
4500 is designed as environmentally-friendly, it does not require a
processing solution though it is the photographic system.
The PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
2/4500 Printer Driver is a driver
software compatible with such diverse computer environments as
Macintosh, Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and
Windows XP among others.
1.2 Features
The PICTROGRAPHY 3500/40002/4500 Printer Driver has the fol-
lowing features:
• Supports a variety of OSes.
Allows output of prints from diverse OS environments including
Macintosh, Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, etc.
• Easy-to-use user interfaces
Comes with user interfaces matched to varying OS environments
and allows the user to make fine adjustments to color outputs on
the driver.
1.3 Operating Environment
The PICTROGRAPHY 3500/40002/4500 Printer Driver runs in the
personal computer operating environments detailed below:
•Model : IBM PC/AT-compatible personal computer
•CPU : Pentium 133 MHz or newer
• Memory : 3500; 64MB or more
2/4500; 256MB or more)
• HDD : 3500; 96MB or more of available space
2/4500; 192MB or more)
•A computer on which TCP/IP is usable.
•Model : Power Macintosh or greater
• Memory : 5MB or more of available space
• HDD : 3500; 64MB or more of available space
2/4500; 128MB or more)
•A computer on which AppleTalk is usable.
• The TCP/IP protocol must be installed.
• Winsock version 2 must be installed.
* If Windows 95 is used, the installed Winsock needs to be updated
to version 2.
Windows 95: Some versions impose restrictions
Windows 98: With Service Pack 1 installed or second edition or
Windows NT 4.0: With Service Pack 5 or later installed
Windows 2000
Windows XP
OpenTransport must be installed.
Mac OS 8.1
Mac OS 8.6
Mac OS 9 (With some restrictions)