Product Facts ⏐ Issue: June 01, 2008 ⏐ Product: SPARC
Enterprise M5000 Page 20 / 38
2) Quad XSB
Because Quad-XSB allows to configure several partitions in units of individual CPU chips (two cores) it is the optimized way
to create small partitions.
Quad-XSB is equivalent to the XSB definition for PRIMEPOWER.
Division Type: Quad-XSB
PSB (consists of 1/2 motherboard and an I/O board) is divided into four partitions with 1 CPU chip and a set of memory (8
DIMMs) each. PSBs can be divided into XSBs (XSB#0-0, XSB#0-1, XSB#1-0, XSB#1-1) with connection to an I/O board
and XSBs (XSB#0-2, XSB#0-3, XSB#1-2, XSB#1-3) without connection to an I/O board. CPU chips, memory, PCI slots and
disks are permanently assigned to the XSBs as shown in the diagram above.
XSBs without connection to an I/O cannot be configured as an autonomous partition (refer to “8-4 Notes on
Configurations” for details).