Fujitsu MAW3147FC Computer Drive User Manual

C141-E235 2-1
CHAPTER 2 Specifications
2.1 Hardware Specifications
This chapter describes specifications of the HDD.
2.1 Hardware Specifications
2.1.1 Model name and order number
Each model has a different recording capacities when shipped.
Table 2.1 lists the model name and order number.
The data format can be changed by reinitializing with the user's system.
Table 2.1 Model names and order numbers
Model name Order number Interface type
(user area)
MAW3300FC CA06691-B400 SCA2, FC-AL 300.0 GB (*)
MAW3147FC CA06691-B200 SCA2, FC-AL 147.0 GB (*)
MAW3073FC CA06691-B100 SCA2, FC-AL 73.5 GB (*)
(*) 1GB=1,000,000,000 bytes