Command Specifications
268 C141-C013
The microcode or control information is written to the logical unit buffer starting
at the location specified by the BUFFER Address field. If the HDD is unable to
accept the specified buffer address, it shall return CHECK CONDITION status
and it shall set the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUEST [=5] with an additional
sense code of INVALID FIELD IN CDB [=24-00].
The "Transfer Byte Length" field specifies the maximum number of bytes that shall
be present in the Data-Out Buffer to be stored in the specified buffer beginning at
the buffer offset. The INIT should attempt to ensure that the parameter list length
plus the buffer offset does not exceed the capacity of the specified buffer. (The
capacity of the buffer may be determined by the BUFFER CAPACITY field in the
READ BUFFER descriptor.) If the BUFFER Address and Transfer Byte Length
fields specify a transfer in excess of the buffer capacity, the HDD shall return
CHECK CONDITION status and shall set the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUEST
[=5] with an additional sense code of INVALID FIELD IN CDB [=24-00].
(7) Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 : Microcode Download with offset, with saving
In this mode, the microcode of the controller, as a whole or after being divided
into multiple parts, is transferred to the data buffer with one or multiple
commands. When the entire microcode is transferred to the buffer by using the
commands for this mode, the transferred microcode is saved in the FLASH-ROM
of the media device, and the microcode restarts the device.
When the last part of the microcode data is transferred and the complete and
correct microcode is received in the buffer, the HDD saves the microcode in the
FLASH-ROM. If it has been saved correctly, the HDD restarts itself using this
microcode. After the successful reboot of the HDD, this command is completed
with the GOOD status. At this time, the HDD generates the UNIT ATTENTION
condition (UNIT ATTENTION [6]/ Microcode has been changed [3F-01]) for all
the INITs except the one that has issued this command.
If the HDD is in the Not Ready state (i.e., the spindle motor is not rotating) when
the HDD determines that the microcode can be downloaded, this command
terminates with the CHECK CONDITION status (NOT READY [02-
04]/Additional Sense Code indicating the NOT READY state/Additional Sense
Code Qualifier [= 04/xx]).
Other behavior is the same as when Mode = (0, 1, 1, 0).
During downloading of microcode, the supply of power to the drive
must not be cut off (such as an instantaneous power failure). If a
power failure occurs, for instance, while downloading the
microcode to the FLASH-ROM, the HDD may be severely
damaged. The worst-case scenario in this event would be an
inoperable drive.