Fujitsu MBC2073RC Computer Drive User Manual

Sense Data and Error Recovery Methods
380 C141-C013
Table 6.6 Error recovery processing procedures (3/4)
Recovery Processing Procedure
13 1) Execute a HARD RESET sequence.
2) After waiting 2 seconds or longer, reissue the original command (Retry), and if
the spindle motor's start mode is set on "Start by Command," issue the START
instruction by the NOTIFY Primitive (ENABLE SPINUP) before retrying.
3) If the retry procedure 2) does not terminate normally, perform recovery
method 1.
14 1) The parameter is initialized at the "Save" value (if the "Save" value does not
exist, the "Default" value), so when it is necessary to set the inherent
parameter, issued the MODE SELECT command.
2) Reissue the original command (Retry).
16 1) Issue the LOG SENSE command and read the "Current" values in the LOG
SELECT parameters.
2) If the parameters' values are appropriate, reissue the original command.
Note This error could also be caused by a UNIT ATTENTION condition being
generated, caused by a programming error of another INIT, so when the
value in the parameter read in ( is illegal, recovery method 2 should be
performed, or the operations of the other INITs should be confirmed.)
17 If the PRIORITY RESERVE command issued by another INIT is proper in the
system, perform the necessary recovery processing in the system. If not, perform
recovery method 2.
18 1) Issue the MODE SENSE or MODE SENSE EXTENDED command and
confirm the values of the disk media data format related parameters (Block
descriptor, Page 3: Format parameters, Page 4: Drive parameters).
2) If the parameter values are correct, issue the FORMAT UNIT command and
initialize the entire disk media surface. (Note)
3) If the parameter values are not correct, issue a MODE SELECT or MODE
SELECT EXTENDED command and reset the necessary parameters, then
reinitialize the entire disk media surface by the FORMAT UNIT command.
Note In a system where multiple INITs are connected together, an error may have
been reported due to a MODE SELECT or MODE SELECT EXTENDED
command, or a FORMAT UNIT command issued by another INIT, so before
executing this recovery method, it is necessary to confirm the operations of
the other INITs.