Summary of contents Preface
12 U929-J-Z125-9-76
Further manuals describing additional UDS/SQL products and functions are listed on
page 15.
For a basic introduction you should refer to chapters 2 and 3 of the “Design and Definition”
manual; these chapters describe
– reasons for using databases
– the CODASYL database model
– the relational database model with regard to SQL
– the difference between the models
– the coexistence of the two database models in a UDS/SQL database
– the characteristic features of UDS/SQL
How the manuals are used depends on your previous knowledge and tasks. Table 1 serves
as a guide to help you find your way through the manuals.
If your task is to write COBOL DML programs, you should look up the column
“COBOL/CALL DML Programming” under “User task” in the second line of table 1.
There, the following chapters of the “Design and Definition” manual are recommended:
General information
B = Basic information
Schema DDL D = Detailed information
SSL D = Detailed information
Subschema DDL L = Learning the functions
In the same column you can also see which chapters of the other manual are of use.
Database administrators who are in charge of database administration and operation
will find the appropriate information under the column “Administration and Operation”.