Schema DDL Defining an item
U929-J-Z125-9-76 59
Dokuschablonen 19x24 Version 7.3us für FrameMaker V7.x vom 14.02.2007 © cognitas GmbH 2001-2007
24. Oktober 2007 Stand 09:30.23 Pfad: G:\vogt\fsc\uds\Manuale\en\udsent_e\udsent.k04
4.2.3 Defining a binary item
[level-number ]item-name TYPE IS FIXED REAL BINARY[ ⎨ ⎬].
Binary items can contain integers only. They are used exclusively as computational items
by the database programmer and cannot be printed without prior editing by a DML program.
Binary items require less storage space and can be processed faster than packed or
unpacked items.
If BINARY 15 items are not aligned to halfwords and BINARY 31 items are not aligned to
words by the user, UDS/SQL aligns them automatically.
level-number denotes whether the item is part of a repeating group:
If the item is not to be part of a repeating group, the specified level number should be the
smallest level number in the whole record type.
This is especially important if the item is to be used as a key item.
If the item is to be part of a repeating group, proceed as described on page 66.
item-name specifies the name assigned by the user.
BINARY 15 is used to define a binary item with a value range of -2
through 2
BINARY 31 is used to define a binary item with a value range of -2
through 2
If you do not specify a number, the default value BINARY 15 is assumed.