SSL Linkage methods
U929-J-Z125-9-76 151
Dokuschablonen 19x24 Version 7.3us für FrameMaker V7.x vom 14.02.2007 © cognitas GmbH 2001-2007
24. Oktober 2007 Stand 08:58.55 Pfad: G:\vogt\fsc\uds\Manuale\en\udsent_e\udsent.k05
Storing a set occurrence as a chain
If MODE IS CHAIN is defined for a set, each set occurrence of the set is stored as a closed
chain of records. The chain comprises the owner record and all member records of the set
occurrence. The member records are chained by means of pointers in the order defined in
the ORDER clause for the set in the schema DDL. The position of the owner record is
between the last and the first member record.
The pointer is composed of the database key value of the subsequent record in the chain
and the PPP of the page containing this record.
Figure 37: Set occurrence stored as a chain
The chain is the only storage mode applicable if the set has been defined with ORDER IS
SORTED (without INDEXED) in the schema.
If ORDER IS SORTED INDEXED, a table is set up as an additional path for direct access.
This table is referred to as the sort key table. Its structure is the same as that of a multi-level
pointer array.
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