R Glossary
290 U929-J-Z125-9-76
Area in the USER WORK AREA (UWA) which can be referenced by the user.
The record area contains the record types and the implicitly defined items
(IMPLICITLY-DEFINED-DATA-NAMES) of the database such as the AREA-ID
items of the WITHIN clauses of the schema. The length of the record area is
essentially defined by the record types contained in it.
record element
Item, vector or group item.
record hierarchy
Owner/member relationship between record types:
the owner record type is the higher-ranking part of the relationship;
the member record type is the lower-ranking part.
See record reference number.
record reference number
Record types are numbered consecutively in ascending order, starting at 1. The
record reference number is part of the database key.
record SEARCH KEY table
SEARCH KEY table for selection of a record from a record type.
record sequence number (RSQ)
The record sequence number can be assigned by the database programmer; if
not, UDS/SQL numbers the records of a record type contiguously in ascending
order, in the sequence in which they are stored; numbering starts at 1. The
record sequence number is part of the database key.
record type
Nameable grouping of record elements.
record type, linear
Record type that is neither the owner nor the member of a set (corresponds to
record types of a conventional file).
referential integrity
Integrity of the relationships between tables (UDS/SQL record types).
remote application program
Application program that is not local with regard to a particular configuration.