Important notes
Cleaning the notebook
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician.
Only use cleaning prod ucts designed for computers. Normal household
cleaners and polishes can damage the markings on the keyboard an d the
device, the pa intwork or the notebook itself.
Ensure that no liquid enters the notebook.
The LCD screen very sensitive to scratches. Only clean the display
surface with a very so ft, slightly damp cloth.
► Switch the notebook off
► In order to prevent accidentially switching the device on, remove the power cable from the mains
adaptor and remove the battery (see "
Removing and installing the battery", Page 61).
The surface can b e cleaned with a dry c loth. I f pa rticularly dirty, use a cloth which has
been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then care fully wrung out.
To clean the keyboard and the touchpad, if available, you can use disinfectant w ipes.
Ensure that n o liquid enters the device.
16 Fujitsu Technology Solutions