Data Recording Unit
The Data Recording Unit is housed in a highly visible protective capsule which can withstand a
fire of 1100°C for 1 hour and deep-sea pressure of 6000 m.
The underwater acoustic beacon (pinger) on the capsule automatically transmits 10 ms pulses at
37.5 kHz for at least 30 days when it is submerged in water. The expected life of the beacon is 6
years. The DRU is connected to the Data Collecting Unit (DCU) with a non-halogen FireWire
cable (IEEE1394).
Underwater Acoustic Beacon
Data Recording Unit
The recording integrity is ensured by continuous monitoring of power supply, record function, bit
error rate, and microphone functionality. Visual alarm is generated for malfunction of any of these.
Alarm status is also indicated by relay contacts.
Data items to be recorded
Date and time
Date and time are obtained from an external GPS navigator referenced to UTC. Time information
is recorded at intervals of 1 s. Without date and time data, no data except audio signal is
Ship’s position and datum used
Latitude, longitude and datum are obtained from a GPS navigator, Loran-C receiver or other
EPFS or INS available on standard digital interface. The source of data is identifiable on
Speed (water and/or ground)
Speed through the water (STW) or speed over the ground (SOG) is recorded at intervals of 1 s.
The resolution is 0.1 kt. Transverse speed is also indicated when available on board.
Heading (true, magnetic)
Heading is recorded at intervals of 1 s to a resolution of 0.1°. The data is labeled G
(gyrocompass), GPS, GLONASS, MAG. If heading information is not available in IEC 61162
format, an appropriate interface may be necessary.