DTM - Datum reference (to be further developed)
Local geodetic datum to which a position location is referenced.
$--DTM, ccc, a*hh<CR><LF>
Country sub-division code
W72 - WGS 72, W84 - WGS 84,
IHO - datum code,
999 - user defined
ETL - Engine telegraph operation status
The ETL sentence indicates engine telegraph position including operating location and
sub-telegraph indicator.
$xxETL, hhmmss.ss, a, xx, xx, a, x, *hh<cr><lf>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0) Header
1) Event Time
2) Indicator of command
O = Order
A = Answerback
3) Position indication of engine telepgraph
00 = Stop engine
01 = [AH] Dead Slow
02 = [AH] Slow
03 = [AH] Half
04 = Full
05 = [AH] Nav. Full
11 = [AS] Dead Slow
12 = [AS] Slow
13 = [AS] Half
14 = [AS] Fulll
15 = [AS] Crash Astern
4) Position indication of sub telegraph
20 = S/B (Stand-by engine)
30 = F/A (Full away – Navigation full)
40 = F/E (Finish with engine)
5) Operating location indicator
B = Bridge
P = Port wing 1
S = Starboard wing 1
C = Engine control room
E = Engine side
6) Number of engine or propeller shaft
0 = single or on centre-line
Odd = starboard
Even = port
7) Checksum