<< Details >>
Automatically specifies the internal character set if the
downloading of a character set is cleared.
8.3.3. Print Position Commands
Command: ESC $ nL nH
<< Code >>
0x1B , 0x24, nL , nH (0≤nL≤255 , 0≤nH≤255)
<< Function >>
Specifies the next print start position as an absolute position
based on the left margin position.
The next print start position is (nL + nH x 256) dots away
from the left margin position.
<< Details >>
A print start position specified outside the print area is
horizontal tab
Command: ESC D n1 nk NULL
<< Code >>
0x1B , 0x44 , n
(k bites) , 00H (1≤k≤32 , 1≤n≤255)
Selects a tab position every 8 characters (at 9th point ,
17th point, 25th point ...), if the setting for character right
space = 0.
<< Function >>
Sets horizontal tab positions.
n refers to the number of points to the tab position from the
left margin or the start of the line.
k indicates the number of data of horizontal tab positions to
be set.
<< Details >>
A tab position to be set is (n x character width) from the
left margin or the start of the line. Character width includes
the right space of character (ESC SP), and increases in
proportion to the horizontal magnification of the character if
the magnification is larger than two.