After this command is executed, the previously set
horizontal tab positions are cleared.
If n=8 is set for horizontal tab position, the next print
start position is moved to the 9th point by (HT: „Horizon-
tal tab“).
The maximum allowable number of horizontal tab
positions is 32 (k=32). If this is exceeded, subsequent
data is treated as normal data.
Enter n1 nk for specifying tab positions in ascending
order. The data is ended with an 00H input. If n is equal
to or smaller than the previous value, the horizontal tab
setting process stops and subsequent data is processed
as normal data.
Use (ESC D NULL) to clear all horizontal tab positions.
Even if character width is changed after setting horizon-
tal tab positions, the set horizontal tab positions are
8.3.4. Bitmap image Commands
Prints column
bitmap image
Command: ESC *m nL nH d1 dk
<< Code >>
0x1B , 0x2A , m , nL , nH , d1 dk
where: m=0, 32, 0≤nL≤255 , 0≤nH≤3, 0≤d≤255
<< Function >>
Specifies a bitmap image in mode m for the number of dots
specified by nL and nH.
m Mode No. of No. of
vertical dots Data (K)
0 8-dot single density 8 dots nL+nHx256
1 8-dot double density 8 dots nL+nHx256
32 24-dot single density 24 dots (nL+nHx256)x3
33 24-dot double density 24 dots (nL+nHx256)x3
<< Details >>
Processes the data after nL as normal data if m is
outside the definable range.
nL and nH denote the number of horizontal dots of the
bitmap image to be printed, which is (nL+nHx256).