Quick Check® 890 User’s Guide 2 - 3
RS-232 Serial Communication Interface
An RS-232 interface requires no additional drivers. Connect the QC890 Verifier
to the host as shown in the illustration below.
RS-232 Selections
Scan the following barcode to select RS-232 communications.
The RS-232 settings supported are:
Bluetooth implementation uses SPP (Serial Port Profile) to connect the QC890
Verifier to the host system. The QC890 SPP is a standard Bluetooth profile
implementation. This allows the QC890 system to be compatible with most
Bluetooth devices. The QC890 unit can be used with existing Bluetooth radios
built into laptops, PCs, or PDAs.
Baud Rate: 115,200
Parity: None
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
RS-232 Communication