Quick Check® 890 User’s Guide 4 - 1
Cleaning the External Devices
Occasionally the scanner tip or window may become partially obstructed by ink,
paper fibers, or other particulate deposits (such as wax or varnish). To ensure
reliable scanning, you should periodically check and, if necessary, clean the tip
with a soft cloth.
Damaged tips for the pen wand should be replaced. Consult your dealer or Hand
Held Products Product Service and Repair Department for details (see Technical
Assistance on page 5-1).
QC890 Verifier
Occasionally the view window or alignment window may become dusty or dirty.
Use a soft cloth to clean both windows. Since the open slot of the alignment
window is where the code is “seen,” dirt on the window does not affect the
readability of the QC890 Verifier.
It is not necessary or advisable to insert anything into the open slot on the bottom
of the QC890 Verifier.
Sending the QC890 Verifier back to Hand Held Products periodically for a factory
calibration and re-certification is recommended, however the frequency is based
on your company’s ISO procedures regarding test and measurement equipment.
When you are ready to re-certify your QC890 Verifier, please contact Product
Service and Repair for pricing and a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number (see Technical Assistance on page 5-1).