HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2524 Network Router User Manual

time [mm/dd/yy] [hh:mm:ss] [timezone <value>] [daylight-time-rule <value>] [begin-date
<mm/dd> end-date <mm/dd>]
This command display switch's date & time or optionally sets it.
timezone <-1440..1440> - Sets the number of minutes your location is to the
West(+) or East(-) of GMT (default is 0).
daylight-time-rule <alaska | none | continental-us-canada | middle-europe-
and-portugal | southern-hemisphere | western-europe | user-defined> -
Sets the daylight savings time rule for your location. None (default) means that no
time adjustment will be made.
begin-date <mm/dd> end-date <mm/dd > - begin-date and end-date are only
valid if the daylight time rule is set to user-defined.
snmp-server [contact <sys-contact>] [location sys-location>]
Sets the switch contact and location for administrative purposes.
contact <sys-contact> - Up to 48 characters. Name of the switch administrator.
location <sys-location> - Up to 48 characters. Description of the switch location.
hostname <name-string>
Sets the switch name for administrative purposes.