HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2524 Network Router User Manual

2.7 IP Stacking
2.7.1 IP Stacking commands - EXEC level
show stack [candidates | all]
Displays status information for the stacking feature. ‘show stack’ with no arguments
displays the status of this switch’s stack. If the keyword candidates is supplied then
this command displays a list of candidates on the local network segment. If the
keyword all is supplied then this command displays all the member switches of all
stacks on the local network segment and all candidate switches.
2.7.2 IP Stacking commands - Configuration level
[no] stack
Enables/disables the stacking feature. If the stacking features is disabled, then the
switch will reject a join request originating from a command switch.
[no] stack commander <commander-name>
Creates a command switch, and the no form of the command disperses the member
switches from this command switch’s stack, making them available to join another
[no] stack member <switch-num> mac-address <mac-addr> [password <password-str>]
Configures the candidate switch identified by the MAC address to be a member for
this switch’s stack. The no form of the command removes the switch identified by
switch-num from the stack
<switch-num> - A number between 1 and 15 to uniquely identify each switch; a
switch-num of zero always belongs to the command switch.
password <password-str> - is the manager password configured on the candidate
switch. If the candidate switch does not have a manager password then none
should be supplied.
[no] stack join <mac-addr>
Causes a candidate switch to join the stack whose command switch is identified by
mac-addr. The no form of the command causes the member switch to leave its
current stack.