1-8 Getting started
A menu offers you a choice of
items. Menus are displayed in
one or two columns.
arrow in the display
means more items below.
•The arrow in the display
means more items above.
To search a menu • Press *e, or *k, to scroll through the list. If you press
>6+,)7@*e, or >6+,)7@*k,, you’ll go all the way to the end
or the beginning of the list. Highlight the item you want
to select, then press
(or >(17(5@).
• If there are two columns, the left column shows general
categories and the right column shows specific contents
within a category. Highlight a general category in the left
column, then highlight an item in the right column. The
list in the right column changes when a different category
is highlighted. Press or >(17(5@when you have
highlighted your selection.
• To speed-search a list (with no edit line), type the first
letter of the word. For example, to find the Matrix
category in >0$7+@, press >@, the Alpha“M”key.
• To go up a page, you can press >6+,)7@*>,. To go down a
page, press >6+,)7@*A,.
To cancel a menu Press >21@ (for CANCEL) or . This cancels the current