
Databases can be put into backup mode
Databases can be taken offline
A mount point can be unmounted
For an online database backup, snapshot data alone does not suffice for a restore.
The archive log files from the application client are also needed. An archive log files
backup utilizing the standard Data Protector backup procedure can be started
immediately after creating snapshots, when the database is taken out of backup
Snapshot data of the application data is produced using the virtual disk array
technologies, such as:
HP StorageWorks Business Copy Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array
Snapshot backup types
Within the Data Protector snapshot integrations, the following types of snapshot
backups are available:
ZDB to tape
ZDB to disk
ZDB to disk+tape
ZDB to tape and ZDB to disk+tape
During ZDB-to-tape and ZDB-to-disk+tape sessions, a point-in-time snapshot data of
the application data is streamed to a tape device, which is connected to a separate
backup system, using Data Protector Disk Agent and General Media Agent, with
minimal impact on the application system. After the backup is completed, the snapshot
data is either:
discarded - ZDB to tape
retained and can be used for instant recovery - ZDB to disk+tape
ZDB to disk
During a ZDB-to-disk session, the same standard snapshot technology is used as in
ZDB to tape and ZDB to disk+tape, however, the snapshot data is not streamed to
a backup medium (tape device) from the snapshot copy and is retained on a disk
array. It can be used for instant recovery. The session effectively ends after the
snapshot data is created.
Snapshot concepts278