an archived redo log is determined by the mode the database
is using:
• ARCHIVELOG - The filled online redo log files are archived
before they are reused. The database can be recovered if
an instance or a disk fails. A “hot” backup can be performed
only when the database is running in this mode.
• NOARCHIVELOG - The filled online redo log files are not
See also online redo log.
archive logging (Lotus Domino Server specific term) Lotus Domino Server
database mode where transaction log files are overwritten only
after they have been backed up.
ASR Set A collection of files stored on several diskettes, required for
proper reconfiguration of the replacement disk (disk partitioning
and logical volume configuration) and automatic recovery of
the original system configuration and user data that was backed
up during the full client backup. These files are stored as an
ASR archive file on the Cell Manager (in
Data_Protector_home\Config\Server\dr\asr on a
Windows Cell Manager or in
/etc/opt/omni/server/dr/asr/ on a UNIX Cell Manager)
as well as on the backup medium. The ASR archive file is
extracted to three diskettes for 32-bit Windows systems or four
diskettes for 64-bit Windows systems after a disaster occurs.
You need these diskettes to perform ASR.
Audit Logs Data files to which auditing information is stored.
Audit Report User-readable output of auditing information created from data
stored in audit log files.
Data about every backup session that was performed over an
extended, user-defined period for the whole Data Protector cell.
autochanger See library.
autoloader See library.
Automatic Storage
(Oracle specific term) Automatic Storage Management is an
Oracle 10g/11g integrated filesystem and volume manager
that manages Oracle database files. It eliminates complexity