
Three departments at ABC Cape Town use the Microsoft SQL database to store their
data and the company uses Microsoft Exchange Server for mailing services. These
databases, currently containing 11 GB and 15 GB of data, respectively, are backed
up to 2 HP StorageWorks DAT24 autoloaders.
The system architecture of ABC Cape Town includes the SAP R/3 system using Oracle
databases. Three HP T600 servers are used as SAP database servers. ABC Cape
Town uses K260 SAP application servers that are configured into application groups,
i.e. Sales and Distribution, Finance, and Production. The application servers are not
highly available. The current backup environment of ABC Cape Town is depicted in
Figure 95 on page 314.
Figure 95 Current ABC Cape Town backup topology
Currently, backups of the SAP database servers at ABC Cape Town are performed
using the SAP BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE utilities to 3 HP StorageWorks DAT24
autoloaders. Data is copied manually by employees to their respective servers on a
daily basis. The Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SQL database are backed
up separately each to an HP StorageWorks DAT24 autoloader by the backup
The same system is used at both ABC Durban and ABC Pretoria, with the difference
that no SAP system is in place at these sites. Employees copy their data to their
respective servers. Data is backed up to an HP StorageWorks DAT24 autoloader on
a daily basis.
Two of the servers at ABC Pretoria have more than 500 000 files each.
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