HP (Hewlett-Packard) DM3 Laptop User Manual

graphics, product description 1
grounding equipment and
methods 32
hard drive
precautions 29
product description 2
removal 38
spare part
numbers 23, 25, 26, 27, 38
specifications 85
hard drive bay 13
hard drive bay access cover
illustrated 21
hard drive cover
removal 39
Hard Drive Hardware Kit, spare
part number 20, 25, 38
hard drive self test 80
HDMI port
connector pinout 96
location 10
headphone jack
connector pinout 94
location 10
heat sink
removal 73
spare part
numbers 19, 25, 73
audio-in 10
audio-out 10
headphone 10
microphone 10
key components 6
product description 3
removal 50
spare part
numbers 19, 26, 27, 50
action 6
esc 6
fn 6
Windows applications 6
Windows logo 6
LED board with cable
illustrated 22
left-side components 9
lid sensor cable
illustrated 22
Light components 7
caps lock 7
mute 7
power 10
webcam 5
wireless 11
Main menu 78
mass storage devices, spare part
numbers 23
memory module
product description 1
removal 46
spare part
numbers 20, 25, 26, 46
memory module compartment 13
memory module compartment cover
illustrated 21
memory test 80
microphone 5
microphone jack
connector pinout 94
location 10
model name 1
monitor port
connector pinout 95
mute light 7
network jack
connector pinout 97
operating system, product
description 3
optical drive
precautions 29
product description 2
spare part numbers 25
packing guidelines 31
passwords 78
plastic parts 28
Plastics Kit
contents 21
spare part number 21, 26
pointing devices, product
description 3
product description 3
USB 10, 11
power and RJ-45 cable
removal 70
power connector and cable
spare part number 20, 27, 70
power cord
set requirements 98
spare part numbers 24, 25
power DC cable
illustrated 22
power light 10
power requirements, product
description 3
power switch 11
power-on password 78
processor, product description 1
product description
audio 2
chipset 1
display panel 1
Ethernet 2
external media cards 3
graphics 1
hard drives 2
keyboard 3
memory module 1
operating system 3
optical drives 2
pointing devices 3
ports 3
power requirements 3
processors 1
product name 1
security 3
serviceability 4
webcam 2
wireless 2
product name 1