HP (Hewlett-Packard) Sentry Printer User Manual

SENTRY Users Guide Section 3 - 11
Fitzgerald & Long
The SENTRY Groups Report displays, in a very concise format, all data related to groups on your system.
Along with the name and description of each group are all user IDs associated with the group. The users
relationship with each group (GID or supplementary) is reported also.
SENTRY.GROUPS.REPORT SENTRY Group Details 12:16:01 08-08-00
Supplementary GID
Group Name GID for Users for Users Description
=========== === ============ ======= ==================
adm 4 adm adm HP system group
bin 2 bin bin System group
daemon 5 daemon daemon Phantom group
lp 7 lp lp Printer group
users 20 bee bee Application group
lewis lewis
peggy lewis1
root peggy
5 records listed.
Figure 38 - This is an example of the Groups Report.
The following paragraphs describe the fields displayed on the example report.
Group Name - The leftmost column on this report displays the name of the group. These group names
are defined in the UNIX group file. The list is presented in alphabetical order.
GID - This is the number associated with the group name as defined in the group file.
Supplementary for Users - This field reports a multi-valued alphabetical list of users who have this
group as a supplementary group.