HP (Hewlett-Packard) t2808-90006 Computer Accessories User Manual

Disaster Tolerance and Recovery in a Serviceguard Cluster
Understanding Types of Disaster Tolerant Clusters
Chapter 1 21
Figure 1-4 Two Data Center Setup
Figure 1-4 shows a configuration that is supported with separate
network and FC links between the data centers. In this configuration,
the FC links and the Ethernet networks are not carried over DWDM
links. But each of these links is duplicated between the two data centers,
for redundancy. The disadvantage of having the network and the FC
links separate is that if there is a link failure between sites, the ability to
exchange heartbeats and the ability to write mirrored data will not be
lost at the same time. This configuration is supported to a distance of 10
kms between data centers.
All the nodes in the extended distance cluster must be configured with
QLogic driver’s multipath feature in order to provide redundancy in
connectivity to the storage devices. Mirroring for the storage is
configured such that each half of the mirror (disk set) will be physically
present at one datacenter each. Further, from each of the nodes there are
multiple paths to both of these mirror halves.