7.Communication Objects
Communication Objects are grouped 3 areas.
Index Profile Area
1000-1FFF Communication Profile Area
2000-5FFF Manufacturer Specific Profile Area(Inverter's parameter area)
6000-9FFF Device Profile Area
7.1 Device Profile Area
Supported Communication Object by CANopen interface option ( ) =initial value
Index Sub-Index Object name Data type Note
6007h abort_connection_option_code INTEGER16 *
6040h control word UNSIGNED16 *
6041h status word UNSIGNED16 *
6042h vl_target_velocity INTEGER16 *
6043h vl_velocity_demand INTEGER16 *
6044h vl_control_effort INTEGER16 *
6046h vl_velocity_min_max_amount UNSIGNED32
0 Number of entries(=2) INTEGER8 *
1 vl_velocity_min_amount UNSIGNED16 *
2 vl_velocity_max_amount UNSIGNED16
6048h vl_velocity_acceleration Ramp
0 Number of entries(=2) INTEGER8 *
1 delta_speed UNSIGNED16 *
2 delta_time UNSIGNED32 *
6049h vl_velocity_deceleration Ramp
0 Number of entries(=2) INTEGER8 *
1 delta_speed UNSIGNED16 *
2 delta_time UNSIGNED32 *
6060h modes_of_operation INTEGER8 *
6061h modes_of_operation_display INTEGER8 *
Note : This object cannot store to EEPROM.