
Assigning zones and issuing room names
Assigning zones and issuing room names
The following section describes how a setpoint adjuster is assigned to
a temperature zone and how a room name is then assigned to this
zone. The procedure is identical for both device types.
A temperature zone can only be assigned one setpoint ad-
juster. If a room temperature sensor HCF 22 is combined with
a remote setpoint adjuster HCW 22, i.e. assigned to the same
zone, first assign the remote setpoint adjuster and then the
room temperature sensor.
If the installation button at the storey controller is not
pressed for longer than 4 minutes, the storey controller re-
turns automatically to normal mode.
Example: Assigning an HCW 22 setpoint adjuster to
zone 1
In the following example the setpoint adjuster HCW 22 is assigned to
zone 1. Subsequently the room name "Living" is assigned to zone 1 in
the time program of the Hometronic Manager.