CCA Release 2.54
Appendix F. Verb List
This appendix lists the verbs supported by the CCA Support Program feature for
the IBM 4758 PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor.
Figure F-1 lists each verb by the verb’s pseudonym and entry-point name and
shows the operating environment under which the verb is supported. A check (√) in
the operating environment column means that the verb is available for use in that
operating environment.
Figure F-1 (Page 1 of 3). Security API Verbs in Supported Environments
Pseudonym Entry-Point OS/2 AIX NT OS/400 Page
DES Key Processing and Key Storage Verbs
Clear_Key_Import CSNBCKI √ √ √ √ 5-22
Control_Vector_Generate CSNBCVG √ √ √ √ 5-24
Control_Vector_Translate CSNBCVT √ √ √ √ 5-26
Cryptographic_Variable_Encipher CSNBCVE √ √ √ √ 5-29
Data_Key_Export CSNBDKX √ √ √ √ 5-31
Data_Key_Import CSNBDKM √ √ √ √ 5-33
Diversified_Key_Generate CSNBDKG √ √ √ √ 5-35
Key_Export CSNBKEX √ √ √ √ 5-42
Key_Generate CSNBKGN √ √ √ √ 5-44
Key_Import CSNBKIM √ √ √ √ 5-51
Key_Part_Import CSNBKPI √ √ √ √ 5-54
Key_Storage_Initialization CSNBKSI √ √ √ √ 2-50
DES_Key_Record_Create CSNBKRC √ √ √ √ 7-4
DES_Key_Record_Delete CSNBKRD √ √ √ √ 7-5
DES_Key_Record_List CSNBKRL √ √ √ √ 7-7
DES_Key_Record_Read CSNBKRR √ √ √ √ 7-9
Key_Record_Write CSNBKRW √ √ √ √ 7-10
Key_Test CSNBKYT √ √ √ √ 5-58
Key_Token_Build CSNBKTB √ √ √ √ 5-61
Key_Token_Change CSNBKTC √ √ √ √ 5-64
Key_Token_Parse CSNBKTP √ √ √ √ 5-66
Key_Translate CSNBKTR √ √ √ √ 5-69
Multiple_Clear_Key_Import CSNBCKM √ √ √ √ 5-71
Random_Number_Generate CSNBRNG √ √ √ √ 5-91
PKA_Decrypt CSNDPKD √ √ √ √ 5-73
PKA_Encrypt CSNDPKE √ √ √ √ 5-75
PKA_Symmetric_Key_Export CSNDSYX √ √ √ √ 5-78
PKA_Symmetric_Key_Generate CSNDSYG √ √ √ √ 5-81
PKA_Symmetric_Key_Import CSNDSYI √ √ √ √ 5-86
Prohibit_Export CSNBPEX √ √ √ √ 5-90
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005 F-1