CCA Release 2.54 Access_Control_Maintenance
The name parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the name of a
role or user profile which is the target of the request.
This field is used differently depending on the function being performed.
Keyword Meaning
Function to perform (one required)
LSTPROFS Retrieves a list of the user profiles currently installed in the
Keyword Q-NUM-RP shows how to determine how much data
this request will return to the application program.
LSTROLES Retrieves a list of the roles currently installed in the
Keyword Q-NUM-RP shows how to determine how much data
this request will return to the application program.
GET-PROF Retrieves the non-secret part of a specified user profile.
GET-ROLE Retrieve the non-secret part of a role definition from the
DEL-PROF Deletes a specified user profile.
DEL-ROLE Deletes a specified role definition from the Coprocessor.
Q-NUM-RP Queries the number of roles and profiles presently installed in
the Coprocessor. This allows the application program to know
how much data will be returned with the LSTROLES or
LSTPROFS keywords.
Q-NUM-UR Queries the number of users currently logged on to the
Coprocessor. This allows the application program to know
how much data will be returned with the LSTUSERS keyword.
Users may log on or log off between the time you use
Q-NUM-UR and the time you use LSTUSERS, so the list of
users may not always contain exactly the number the
Coprocessor reported was logged on.
LSTUSERS Retrieves a list of the profile IDs for all users who are
currently logged on to the Coprocessor.
Contents of name variable
Q-NUM-UR, or
The name field is unused.
The name field contains the eight-character profile ID for the
user profile that is to be retrieved or deleted.
The name field contains the eight-character role ID for the role
definition that is to be retrieved or deleted.
Chapter 2. CCA Node-Management and Access-Control 2-25