In the Web 2.0 theme environment a reverse proxy was used to cache content outboard of
WebSphere Portal. The reverse proxy was set up to take advantage of the fact that portlet
fragments are fetchable and cacheable. This avoids having to refetch the entire portal page
in many cases. This allowed some content to be fetched without going to the web server or
the portal server. Performance can be further improved by having the reverse proxy set up
to gzip much of the content.
In general, the same tuning that was used for the Base Portal Scenario described in
previous section was used for the Web 2.0 Scenario. The differences in tuning are
mentioned below.
JVM Initial and Maximum Heap Size
JVM’s Initial and Maximum heap size (ms and mx) were set to 1280. With higher values the
system ran out of native memory under high Vuser load. This can be alleviated by using the
– Xalwaysclassgc jvm parameter along with setting -Xmx=1408. However the throughput
was better with -Xmx=1280 than when using – Xalwaysclassgc and –Xmx=1408.
Navigator Service Properties
The following values were specified in NavigatorService.properties in addition to the
parameters changed in the Base Portal tuning.
Table 16: Navigation Service Settings for Web 2.0 Theme
Parameter Setting Used
remote.cache.expiration.feed.cm 600
remote.cache.expiration.feed.nm 600
remote.cache.expiration.feed.lm 600
remote.cache.expiration.feed.pm 600