Figure 29 describes the hierarchy of caches in the model component and depending portal
components. The structure of the picture is identical to figure 28: The vertical axis shows
caches with increasing aggregation of data. The model component only caches data at a
rather high aggregation level. All data cached here hence is rather valuable, reloads can be
expensive if the corresponding data is not available in the lower-level caches. Model caches
are dependent upon the datastore and portal access control caches. The figure only
features the most important caches.
Figure 2 Portal Model Cache Hierarchy
Default size: 2500, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache is a helper cache for other model caches used by the portal model factory. It
contains a small number of entries based on the model types available in portal. In
addition there can be one entry per active user session. The size of this cache might be
adapted to the number of active sessions in one portal JVM. Re-creating a cache entry is
a rather cheap operation since it usually can be accomplished in memory. A cache entry
is a small object.
Default size: 5000, default lifetime: 5600, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains aggregated pages. In contrast to the data store page instance
cache this cache contains the complete models of pages and their content, i.e. the
portlets and containers on them. The page instance cache rather holds the raw page
data. This cache scales with the number of pages defined in your portal and the different