100 Hardware Maintenance Manual: xSeries 250
Universal Serial Bus ports
The server has two Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports that configure automatically.
USB is an emerging serial interface standard for telephony and multimedia devices. It
uses Plug and Play technology to determine the type of device attached to the
1. If you attach a standard (non-USB) keyboard to the keyboard connector, the USB
ports and devices will be disabled during the power-on self-test (POST).
2. If you install a USB keyboard that has a mouse port, the USB keyboard emulates a
mouse and you will not be able to disable the mouse settings in the
Configuration/Setup Utility program.
3. Check to make sure your NOS supports USB devices.
USB cables and hubs
You need a 4-pin cable to connect devices to USB 1 or USB 2. If you plan to attach
more than two USB devices to the machine, you must use a hub to connect the
devices. The hub provides multiple connectors for attaching additional external USB
devices with a maximum of 127 external devices.
USB technology provides up to 12 megabits-per-second (Mbps) speed with a
maximum of 127 external devices and a maximum signal distance of five meters (16
ft.) per segment.
USB-port connectors
Each USB port has an external connector on the rear of the server for attaching USB
compatible devices.
The following table shows the pin-number assignments for the USB-port connectors
on the rear of the server.
Ethernet port
Your server comes with an integrated Ethernet controller. This controller provides an
interface for connecting to 10-Mbps or 100-Mbps networks and provides full-duplex
(FDX) capability, which enables simultaneous transmission and reception of data on
the Ethernet local area network (LAN).
To access the Ethernet port, connect a Category 3, 4 or 5 unshielded twisted-pair
(UTP) cable to the RJ-45 connector on the rear of the server.
5 Signal ground
Table 17. USB-port connector pin-number assignments.
Pin Signal
Table 16. Serial-port connectors pin-number assignments.
Pin Signal Pin Signal