VALUE Description
Specifies the flow method for the serial port. This setting must
match the setting you specify at the host.
XON/XOFF—software only handshaking. The printer sends
an XON character to the host computer when it is ready to
receive another byte (“frame”) of data.
DTR/DSR—hardware handshaking. The printer asserts the
DTR line when it is ready for data and looks at the level of
DSR to see when the data is available. Even though this
can make the interface run faster, some applications do not
use hardware handshaking.
ROBUST XON/XOFF—the same as XON/XOFF except that
the printer sends an XOFF every 10 seconds when it is not
ready to accept data.
Specifies the active level of the DTR (data terminal ready) signal.
STOP BITS n Specifies the stop bits for the serial port. n can be 1 or 2. The
default is 1.
DATA BITS n Specifies the number of data bits. n can be 7 or 8. The default
is 8.
I/O TIMEOUT nnn Specifies how many seconds the printer waits for data before it
determines there is no more data to receive for the job. The
printer then checks other attachments for jobs, if other
attachments are installed. The valid range is 5 to 300 seconds.
The default value is 15 seconds.
64 User’s Guide