Face-Up Output Bin for paper and other print media
4MB, 8MB, 16MB, and 32MB Memory SIMMs
Adobe PostScript Level 2 SIMM
Flash Memory SIMM (2MB, 4MB)
810MB Hard Drive
Attachment cards:
– IBM Network Card for Ethernet (10Base2 or 10BaseT)
– IBM Network Card for Token Ring
– IBM Twinax SCS Interface
– IBM Coax SCS/DSC/DSE Interface
Note: For information about installing optional features, see Chapter 7, “Installing
Printer Options” on page 97. For information about printer memory and memory
requirements, see “Memory Requirements” on page 3.
Printer Drivers
Before you can print from your PC or workstation to your printer, you need to install the
right printer driver on your system. The Network Printer 12 includes diskettes which
contain PCL5e printer drivers for the following systems:
Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Win-OS/2
Windows 95
Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0
OS/2 2.11, OS/2 Warp
AIX 3.2.5, AIX 4.1
1. For your printer driver to work effectively, you must indicate to your printer driver
what features are installed on your printer, for example, what trays are installed,
and how much memory is installed. Therefore, after you install a driver, make sure
you update it to indicate the features installed on your printer. Also, if you install
(or remove) a feature at a later date, make sure you update your printer driver.
2. Each operating system has unique driver installation procedures. For specific
installation instructions, see the driver installation documentation for your operating
system and the Readme file on the diskette that includes the driver of your choice.
3. Your printer may include additional drivers not included in this list.
4. PostScript drivers are shipped with the optional PostScript feature.
5. Updated printer drivers are also available as follows:
a. Access the IBM Printing Systems Home Page at:
b. Select Printer Drivers/Product Updates.
c. Use the menu selections to find the printer driver you want.
2 User’s Guide